Newspaper Archives
Old News - archives of community and business news articles written between January 2012-January 2015
How Monday Mornings Can Kill Business
Monday mornings come every week; they are just crazy like that. But, did you know that they can kill productivity for the entire week? I didn't know that either -- until I reached the end of my first year in business and realized much of my year had been just a string of bad Monday Mornings. Here are four things I learned over the course of my first year.
Blogging After a Social Breakup
With the new addition to the family, I have less time than ever. So, why in the heck would I decide to rebirth a blog? Good question. There is a lot of research on the increase in inbound traffic for brands with blogs and how blogs are still popular with readers, but that is not why I decided to blog again. I am blogging again because I have had a chance to reconnect to my personal priorities and goals for each of my blogs and have information to share that I feel will be valuable to others. While I was "away" , I stopped forcing content onto social media. This allowed several things to happen: