Bizzie Besties (aka Business Besties)
Bizzie Bestie Definition: A Bizzie Bestie is a person or business that shares similar values, integrity, with a commitment to making the other person or business shine. The bizzie bestie is connected professionally, but communicates and collaborates openly at the soul level. I trust these people with my dreams, fears, and business intel. It’s spiritual, man. I don’t know what I’d do without these folks!

Shante' Davis
Social Missions Officer and Media Assistant
Connecting with Shante' was mere happenstance. My cousin sent me an Instagram Reel in September, 2022. I instantly was won over by her humor and style. She reached out after I shared one of her videos.
Soon, I learned of her amazing design and project management acumen. Shante came on board with Les Go Social, initially as a virtual assistant, with her whole heart and family in tow. She has joined the team for newest division of Les Go Social, Elbert Williams Voting Corner as well as daily social media design and support. In fact, I now consider her, her husband, and their three boys as my own cousins!
S. Davis Media and Design - https://www.shantedavis.com/
Something we've worked on together: The Elbert Williams Voting Corner website!

Amy Balzer Pemberton
Designs with Aim
Amy is such a good friend and human that it's easy to forget that she is also a genius!!
Amy is my Designer on Deck and responsible for the logo and brand styling guides that keep me safe from absolute social boredom. Plus, she is a Visual Storyteller, Illustrator, Branding Guru, Professional Child and Dog Spoiler
Designs with Aim - www.designswithaim.com
Something we’ve worked on together: This Website and our new book!

Mieko A. Preston
Mieko is a regular part of the Les Go Social team. She brings so much detail and consideration to everything she touches! As an architect, Mieko has exceptional design and administrative skills. She helps me with graphic design and is an administrative mastermind who has helped me when I suffer from visionary constipation (visionary constipation is a term I created to describe the blockage that keeps one from moving successfully from the planning to execution phase).
Honeybook Profile - https://www.honeybook.com/app/community/profile/5fc6fd88c907494f1554a9fc
Something we’ve worked on together: Juneteenth Liberation Event, Ann Arbor

Katie Curtis
Inspired Videography Marketer
Katie bought herself her first digital camera at age 12. The device took 1.1 megapixel photos (think, modern day phones take 12 megapixel photos) and the video didn’t even capture sound. But she used it and she photographed and filmed everything.
I believe that everyone and every THING has a story. Katie has the gift of sharing these stories through the visual mediums of photo and videography. She’s worked freelance for 6 years after studying the arts in college and her favorite projects to create are warm, real, inspiring and quirky.
Something we’ve worked on together : Socialites videos
Her website: https://inspiredvideomarketing.com