How Monday Mornings Can Kill Business
Monday mornings come every week; they are just crazy like that. But, did you know that they can kill productivity for the entire week? I didn't know that either -- until I reached the end of my first year in business and realized much of my year had been just a string of bad Monday Mornings. Here are four things I learned over the course of my first year.
Smiles for All Seasons
After several situations came up where I was asked to provide a professional, high-resolution photo of myself to go with my bio I decided to have professional photos taken. I found that I had plenty of selfies, goofy, and off-guard pictures, but none that represented me professionally.
Driving, Living and Doing Business in Bad Weather
As a Michigander, grim forecasts for drivers this time of year is the norm. Oddly enough, however, I heard a lot more firetrucks, screeching tires on the unseasonably warm days we had this weekend. Just like my adventure with the house fly the other day, I think we can take things for granted when things are going smoothly. When driving, living, or doing business, we can afford to do this. Here are a few tips for driving in bad weather that can be applied to life and business: